A bold commitment
to a just transition.

The Indigenous Power & Light Fund (the “Fund”) is a targeted philanthropic investment initiative established by the Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy in partnership with the Lemelson Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, and other leading philanthropies.

  • Focused on expediting the advancement of tribal clean energy initiatives by covering critical pre-development expenses, this catalytic pool of philanthropy aims to fast-track tribal clean energy projects by financing upfront costs not typically addressed by federal funding.  The fund will aid tribes in surmounting significant barriers standing between them and the implementation of clean energy projects.  

    The Indigenous Power & Light Fund aims to secure $100 million in urgently needed support to serve as a just-in-time catalyst, unlocking over $27 billion in federal funding currently allocated in recent landmark legislation and helping to ensure that the potential of the greatest investment in tribal clean energy in U.S. history is realized. Its vision is to spark profound change by fostering economic growth and mitigating the negative impacts of climate change, ultimately striving to effect a just transition and restore true sovereignty.

The Fund

The Indigenous Power & Light Fund (the “Fund”) is a targeted philanthropic investment initiative established by the Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy in partnership with the Lemelson Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, and other leading philanthropies.

The Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy (the “Alliance”) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the mission of providing no-cost services supporting the self-determined efforts of Native American and Alaska Native tribes and villages (“tribes”) to pursue a just transition to clean energy.

For the first time in history, the Biden Administration’s Invest in America compendium of funding initiatives has made billions of dollars available to tribes for sustainable energy initiatives. However, numerous barriers and capacity challenges must be overcome to unlock these benefits, posing a significant financial burden for the majority of Native American tribes.

This gap in funding represents the most formidable obstruction standing between tribes and a just transition to clean energy.

Photo: SAGE Development

The Solution

The Fund offers crucial pre-development support and financial resources to tribes, clearing the pathway to federal and alternative funding for transformative clean energy projects.

The Fund leverages the Alliance's expertise and network of tribal, federal, NGO, and industry partners to provide Fund administration and comprehensive support for pre-development activities, activate federal dollars, and get transformational projects underway.

The Indigenous Power & Light Fund covers essential, early project expenses, including matching funds and pre-development activities–required but not covered by federal funding– and engages the services of vetted, expert professionals and trusted advisors across all necessary disciplines, ensuring project success. With its focus on facilitating pre-development activities, ensuring tribal ownership, and fostering equitable partnerships to catalyze a just transition, the Fund promises to drive profound positive systems change for tribal communities across the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.

The Impact

The Indigenous Power & Light Fund effectively is empowering tribes to take control of their energy futures and create impactful opportunities for economic development, energy sovereignty, and environmental sustainability.

By prioritizing tribal ownership and control, the Fund seeks to ensure that the benefits of clean energy projects accrue directly to tribal communities, thereby fostering greater self-determination, resilience, and true sovereignty.

Above all, these funds ignite hope within tribal communities–where hope is often scarce. Within Indigenous communities in the U.S., where 80% of individuals live beneath the poverty line, and 14% of households remain without access to electricity, these initiatives carry profound significance. Countless tribal nations contend with the adverse repercussions of exploitative and extractive fossil fuel industries. Yet, the metamorphic potential of clean energy heralds a new dawn, ushering in sustainable economic development, well-paying jobs, and the priceless dignity of self-reliance.

Administration & Oversight

The Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy is uniquely qualified to administer the Indigenous Power & Light Fund. With its Native-led team of technical, finance, policy, education, and workforce experts, the Alliance has established itself as a steadfast ally to tribal communities.

With its carefully vetted network of over one hundred Preferred Development and Service Providers, the organization is currently supporting over seventy-five tribes with nearly eight gigawatts of clean energy projects in early-stage development. This powerful coalition has the ability to identify, prioritize, and advance the projects with the highest likelihood of success.

Guided by philanthropic partners and an appointed oversight committee comprised of tribal, philanthropic, and Native NGO leaders, the Alliance possesses the critical capabilities necessary to effectively evaluate the feasibility and impact of proposed projects and carefully steward donor funds to ensure maximum impact. The entire Alliance ecosystem is dedicated to supporting tribes in actualizing the transformative potential of clean energy projects, and this Fund will provide the critical resources necessary to deliver aid to as many tribes as possible.

The Vision

The Indigenous Power & Light Fund embodies a bold commitment to redirect a portion of the nation's wealth to address longstanding energy injustices that have marginalized tribal communities for more than a century.

With the generous support of philanthropic allies and the adept leadership of the Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy, the Fund will stand as a beacon of hope and a vital source of support for Native communities as they follow their own paths to a clean energy future.

These transformational funds will empower tribes to make a truly just transition, transcending barriers and realizing economic growth, environmental stewardship, and renewed hope for a future of vibrance and vitality of their people –– for the next seven generations and beyond.

For more information:

Please contact Caliopy Glaros, Director of Philanthropy